Wednesday 16 August 2017

Best 2 Twitter Tools to Follow Like Minded People

As a blogger, we all use Twitter to exchange useful information and links, but many of us end up with lots of spam on their timeline, the biggest reason is that they don’t follow the Twitter user of same interest. If you will just follow the ones following you or go for random Twitter users, it will surely spam your timeline. Thus, it is better to follow the ones who are of same interest, and you can learn new things with them.
Here are few tools, which I tried to follow “like-minded” people. I liked these tools, and I am sure you will also find these tools useful.


Here are 2 Twitter Tools to follow Twitter users of same interest:

Audience is a popular tool which helps to find like-minded people from a huge category list. You can search twitter users from the globe based on filters & most important is the categories.
Especially if you are working on building your authority in a particular niche, Audience would help you achieve that in no time. In below screenshot, notice the column in left side & this is what Audience search filter would let you do.

FInd like minded Twitter users
You can search for users based on location, keywords in their bio & most importantly users who tweet about the specific topic & is an influencer.
Check out Audience

Twitter directories:
Twitter directories
I have listed list of Twitter directories before which would help you to gain more Twitter users. These directories can also be used to find users who share the common interest. Unlike Audience, most of the directories are free & you can search users based on Hashtag or keywords.
Check out popular Twitter directories

If you want to use Twitter effectively, I would recommend following the Twitter users of same interest. Whom do you follow on Twitter? Everyone or like-minded Twitter users?
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A blog scientist and digital nomad by choice. I believe in minimalistic life and is straight forward with the messages. I discover outstanding stuff and I believe everyone should know about them. This is why I blog because it will make a difference to someone and that could be you. Motto: Let's make blogging full-time business!