Tuesday 22 August 2017

Best way To Moderate YouTube Spam Comments Automatically Using Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is here, and many companies are offering it to us to improve our work flows.

Earlier, I talked about the web app (also iOS app), SmartModeration, which automatically tackles spam comments on Instagram and Facebook (check out my review here). I’ve been using it for almost a year to tackle the spam comments on ShoutMeLoud’s Instagram and Facebook pages.
The big news: The same AI technology can now help us combat spam comments on YouTube.
Recently, SmartModeration has integrated with YouTube, so you no longer have to worry about moderating and tackling spam comments on your videos. If you are a YouTube channel owner or a YouTube influencer, this new integration is going to be so valuable for you.

How To Tackle YouTube Spam Comments Automatically Using Artificial Intelligence

If you have never used SmartModeration before, go ahead and sign up right now. They offer a 3 day-free trial which is good enough to tackle spam comments for all of your existing updates on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.
In this tutorial, I’m sharing how to use their new YouTube integration.
  • Log in to your SmartModeration account.
  • Click on the Page Management tab (Direct link).
Page Management
  • Click on Add New Channel.
  • Give access to your YouTube channel.
  • Repeat the process if you have more than one YouTube channel.
YouTube channel
Once you have allowed access, it will take a few minutes to scan your existing published and pending YouTube comments.
You should give an hour or so to let the SmartModeration bot to do its magic.
When done, you can use the tabs to quickly find ‘inappropriate’ and ‘automatically hidden spam comments’.
Well, now you’re all set. You can start using their web app or their mobile app to moderate your YouTube comments.

What if you have a new or moderately popular YouTube channel?

Here is the thing, not everyone needs SmartModeration to moderate YouTube comments. If you have a well-established and active YouTube channel, SmartModeration is definitely a good choice.
But if you are someone who gets a limited amount of comments, then you don’t need SmartModeration. You can manually moderate comments by configuring the settings.
Here is how you do that:
  • Go to the YouTube community settings by clicking here.
Here you can configure settings to manually review all comments.
YouTube community settings
This definitely increases the time by which new comments will appear on your newly publishes posts, but you won’t have to pay for SmartModeration.
For new and medium traffic YouTubers, you can use the YouTube Creator Studio app (Android | iOS) on your smartphone to moderate comments.
However, once you reach the stage where your time is money, and you are getting a lot of comments, using an AI tool like SmartModeration can significantly improve your work flow.
Take a 3-day free trial of SmartModeration
Along with this new YouTube integration, they have recently revamped their dashboard:

They’ve also added another cool feature…
AI-Powered Blacklist: Here you can define keywords for your specific moderation needs, and the AI-powered blacklist will detect and hide comments with your pre-set keywords and their variations like frequent misspellings or large spaces in between letters.
I have been using this tool to manage my Instagram and my Facebook for quite some time. And now, I’m pretty excited that I get to use it to moderate my YouTube comments as well. If you are someone who understands not only the importance of comments but also the idea that “time is money”, you should definitely look into using this great service.
Now I want to hear from you: Have you used SmartModeration before? What do you think about it? Are you excited about this YouTube integration? Let me hear your reviews in the comments below! Also, if you use any other Artificial Intelligence comment fighting tool, do tell us about it in the comments!  
Here are some more hand-picked articles to improve your YouTube experience:

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SmartModeration is a great tool to use to tackle spam comments on Facebook, Instagram, and now YouTube. It's a little pricey for new marketers, but for those with large followings, this tool is invaluable.
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A blog scientist and digital nomad by choice. I believe in minimalistic life and is straight forward with the messages. I discover outstanding stuff and I believe everyone should know about them. This is why I blog because it will make a difference to someone and that could be you. Motto: Let's make blogging full-time business!