Tuesday 1 August 2017

11 Best Social Media Management Tools To Save Time & Get more Done

If you are an agency or an influencer or a freelance social media consultant, having the right social media management tool could help you save countless hours.
Most of the newbie make mistake of using multiple tools for managing their social media profile which is acceptabel initially but as you grow in your career, you should also upgrade the tools that you use. Using 1 or 2 right social media management software will ensure you don’t have to deal with multiple tools & it also lower down your cost.

Social media management is all about community-based interactions and managing these complex interactions is made easy by the right set of tools.
Social Media Management Tools
Have all the perfect tools in your arsenal and you are ready for the tough battles of social media management. With the influx of social media outlets and the number of social media management apps & tools also on the rise, it would be more than daunting for the digital marketers who are new to the scene. An abundance of these tools and social networks itself has made the management of social interactions more complicated than ever. Keeping an eye on everything around at the same time conveying a message that is more of a voice and not an echo, while at the same time achieving it under time constraints, is the primary aim of these social media managers. While things may start to seem ugly once entered into this social media game, having access to the right tools will definitely make your life easier as a digital marketer.

11 Best Social Media Management Tools for every Digital Marketer

After realizing the role played by these ubiquitous tools in the daily lives of digital marketers, still disregarding their worth would be a crying shame on every marketers’ end. Here are 11 of the best social media management tools out there that every digital marketer must take a note of.

AgoraPulse is the most popular social media management tool for this year. This platform supports Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, G+ & Instagram. The most popular feature of this tool is social media inbox that makes it very easy for anyone to monitor what people are speaking about their brand on social media & also you can reply to users tweet, comments & other activities.
AgoraPulse is suitable for individuals, agencies & small businesses. The tool offers one-month free trial (No credit card required) & my recommendation for you is to do download AgoraPulse mobile app.

The app will help you reply on all social media network quickly.
Take free trial of AgoraPulse


There is hardly a social media management tool list that goes without mentioning Hootsuite. Hootsuite is one of the must-have tools in every social media manager’s bucket. We have reviewed it earlier here.
This is the most popular social media management tool that allows users to create and monitor multiple social media campaigns from a single dashboard. It is an essential tool for creating, monitoring and measuring campaign results simultaneously over a wide range of devices. It also allows real-time interaction with other users and an integration of Google+ is just a feather in its cap. You can simply upload content or schedule posts well in advance over different platforms simultaneously.
Its Free plan among other paid plans is something you should get started with right away and make the most of this widely trusted tool.
Take 30 days free trial of Hootsuite

bufferapp dashboard

Just like Hootsuite, Bufferapp is another long serving tool in the field of social media management. Trusted widely by big brands and millions of users worldwide, Bufferapp is a must have tool for every digital marketer in this age of content exodus. We have already reviewed Bufferapp here, and for latecomers:
It makes scheduling content across different platforms a walk in the park. Posting time of your content matters when it comes to achieving the most out of your content, and Bufferapp helps you achieve maximum reach and engagement for your content. In addition to improving the reach and engagement of your content, it also provides with analytics and reports to track your reach and improve from them. Manage different social media accounts, schedule your content and analyze how your posts perform with this single tool.
Check out Buffer


This is one of my personal favorite Twitter management tools and it makes managing multiple Twitter accounts easily for me. After being acquired by Twitter in 2011, Tweetdeck went on to become one of the best Twitter management tools out there.
It allows management of multiple Twitter accounts including yours and your brand’s Twitter pages simultaneously much easier. It also allows scheduling of tweets to your personal choice of time with maximum engagement. After having recently closed their mobile apps, Tweetdeck has completely focused their efforts on making handling Twitter easier for the web. TweetDeck is all about real-time tracking of lists, searches, and activity; creating multiple timelines for managing multiple accounts from a single interface.
Join Tweetdeck

Sprout Social
Sprout Social is one of the other most trusted social media management tools, with over 10,000 of paid customers making the most of their services.
Sprout Social offers a great system for users to seamlessly track messages from different networks, schedule posts and collaborate with other users on developing a social media strategy. SproutSocial enables its users to view their data in a visual format, and it is an advantage for people who prefer images over chunks of data. You can view your demographics and engagement with your audience in a visually appealing fashion. You can respond to user comments or activity from different social media accounts, without leaving your current page. Apart from all this, it provides a Twitter Comparison tool that lets you compare your Twitter stats with your friends, colleagues or competitors.

Join SproutSocial
Social Flow
Social Flow
Social flow is another top social media management tool which is trusted by hundreds of major brands. The tool is unique in its offerings of real-time social media monitoring.
Keep an eye on everything trending on the social media at any given point of time and it lets you discover a scheduling time with major chances of engagement. Extend your social media efforts by integrating different social media outlets into a single real-time social media management dashboard. The publishing through SocialFlow is optimized to publish at times of maximum user engagement.
Visit Social Flow
Crowd Booster
Crowd booster is one of the best social media management recommendation tools.
It provides users with valuable recommendations regarding the scheduling of content for maximum engagement and audience insights. This is also a great tool for small businesses with a limited budget and on the look for some good social media monitoring tool. CrowdBooster delivers daily insights directly to your inbox and also provides with recommended actions on your end. So if you have all the data at your disposal, and wondering how to act upon it, here is your best chance at responding to data.
Visit Crowdbooster

Social Mention
Tracking trends on social media can sometimes be a daunting task and Social Mention makes tracking of trends much easier than ever before.
It is a real-time social media tracking and analytics tool that gathers user-generated content from every corner of the internet for a specific keyword and makes tracking of trends a piece of cake. Track everything about a keyword including its reach, top sources and audience engagement in real-time. You can also choose to get daily alerts directly delivered to your inbox and keep track of the talk.
Visit Social Mention


While TweetDeck is one of the most popular Twitter management tools, Audiense is no behind in optimizing your Twitter campaigns for maximum effectiveness.
Understand your twitter followers and discover new users based on filters and target your right fit of the audience for maximum engagement. Monitor your usage of hashtags, URL’s and keywords. The tool helps you find the right time to tweet based on your personal interactions and engagement. The benchmark tool is a great way to find out how you are performing compared to your friends and competitors.

Its Twitter DM campaign is a boon for PR personnel’s & every social media users who need to reach out to relevant people for attending events and conferences. The search and filter feature allows targeting right kind of audience needed for any situation and DM could be sent directly from Audiense account.
Join Audiense

Visit Website
Shoutlet is a great social media management tool for both individuals and businesses alike to make their users understand the market and grow their reach by providing with a platform to create and guide targeted campaigns.
Apart from the usual content scheduling and performance tracking, it provides users with a streamlined community management platform, making it easy to meet all the needs of one’s customers and audience. Shoutlet profile is a unique system that builds a customer affinity database that provides actionable insights to assert the right message to the right people at the right time. Measuring key statistics of your social media profile is primarily targeted by Shoutlet and its integration with IBM has made it highly statistical in its approach to social media management.

Which are the top social media management tools that aid you in your daily online undertakings? Shout out your thoughts and comments about the best social media management tools below.
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A blog scientist and digital nomad by choice. I believe in minimalistic life and is straight forward with the messages. I discover outstanding stuff and I believe everyone should know about them. This is why I blog because it will make a difference to someone and that could be you. Motto: Let's make blogging full-time business!