Wednesday 16 August 2017

wonderful 5 New Twitter Tools To Increase Your Credibility

Twitter is one of those social-network which you can’t afford to miss on. Be it interacting with others or marketing your own product, Twitter is indeed one effective social media site. On twitter, your focus should be getting new followers, engaging with your followers and getting more share for your tweets. There are various tools which you can use to increase your engagement on Twitter and more important you have to become a credible Twitter user to get more retweets.

Productivity Twitter Tools

Becoming a credible Twitter user is not an easy task, and it will take time and effort from your end to become o credible source. There are various Twitter apps which you can use to improve your credibility and here I’m listing down some of the latest discovered Twitter tools. Feel free to suggest any other Twitter web app which you believe should earn a place in this list. Mentioned below are few new tools which I feel, might help you to stay pro active and productive on Twitter with little manual intervention, thereby providing you enough time to work on your content.


Nuzzel is your twitter noise reduction tool. Using Nuzzel you can find out those tweets (news) which is shared by a set number of your twitter friends. This way you will cut down the noise and discover those tweets which you should not miss. Nuzzel is useful for those twitter users who want to find best tweets from their timeline for reading or resharing on their timeline. You can also configure Nuzzel to receive digest of those tweets and more over you can connect it with services like Pocket, Instapaper and buffer app. They also have an iPhone app which you can download from here, I haven’t tried the app so far, but reviews of app looks promising.

tweepiThis one is my favorite when it comes to unfollowing those users who don’t follow me back. Apart from those who inspire me (I don’t expect them to follow me back), I expect everyone to follow me back. If you are a person with my mindset, then this tool comes in handy – you’ll see a list of users who don’t follow you. All you need to do is, select the check boxes corresponding to those users and hit the unfollow button – just one click unfollow rather than unfollowing users one by one. There are  few more features like clean up, reciprocate, etc.. which might interest you.


Bufferapp needs no introduction as this is one of those service for twitter, which you will hear about all the time. This twitter tool is for this itchy twitter users who tweet a lot in a short span of time. It would be wrong to call it twitter only tool, as buffer app supports other services like Facebook, Google plus to name a few. If you haven’t used buffer app so far, I highly recommend you to go ahead and try it. Apart from being an awesome twitter tool, Bufferapp is also popular for its transparency and good ethics. It allows to tweet consistently than just flooding our followers with continuous tweets. You just need to send all your tweets to BufferApp and the tool will space and send them out consistently with equal periods of interval over the day which is, what I feel staying active is all about. Here is a video tutorial to learn about Bufferapp

Here are few more resources which you would like to  browse:
I’ve shared few tools that impressed me. If you got some interesting tool to share, then let us know via comments. I would love to check them out and don’t forget to tweet this article if you like it.
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A blog scientist and digital nomad by choice. I believe in minimalistic life and is straight forward with the messages. I discover outstanding stuff and I believe everyone should know about them. This is why I blog because it will make a difference to someone and that could be you. Motto: Let's make blogging full-time business!