Wednesday 16 August 2017

Why you Should Tweet your Post Multiple Times?

We have been talking a lot about Twitter lately, and if you have missed How to get more followers on Twitter, I highly recommend you to read it. Twitter is one of the top 5 Traffic sources for ShoutMeLoud. I often get into a discussion with my fellow bloggers on the way of tweeting the post. Most common question I was asked is: Is it good to tweet your post multiple times or just tweet it once ?

Multiple Tweets
 I always suggest and recommend to tweet your blog post multiple times. As followers, you have on Twitter are from different time-zone, and you have to make sure that your tweet is reachable to most of the people who are following you.

You have a follower from different parts of the world and probably when you have tweeted your post, another side of the world may be sleeping, and you are missing a great amount of traffic. Moreover your readers are missing a useful blog post. For example, I have most of the followers from India and U.S, and I have different effective time for sending tweets to target both the country followers. This is also similar to sending Email at the best time.

How Should you tweet your blog post multiple times?

I work on simple strategy, and that is tweeting single post multiple times in a day. I tweet maximum three times any single post within 7 days. I maintain a gap of 8 hours before tweeting the same article and make sure in between I have tweeted other articles also. This is because your followers might get annoyed seeing same twitter updates multiple times. Eight-hour gap make sure that most of your followers won’t see the duplicate tweets.

Though, I suggest you to use Tools to find the best time to Tweet and use it with Buffer app account and add such Tweets into the buffer. I usually use Tweet button to send first tweet and add the post again in Buffer app, this ensures that tweet will be sent out again and will reach out to maximum people.

You can use of many Twitter web tools to schedule your tweets. I use Hootsuite for this purpose. You can also make most out of it be scheduling the same tweet after every 7-10 days. This will make sure your old posts will keep getting traffic. Meanwhile, you can also follow me on my personal twitter profile @denharsh to connect with me.
Do you tweet your single post multiple times or you tweet once and leave the rest for your readers?
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A blog scientist and digital nomad by choice. I believe in minimalistic life and is straight forward with the messages. I discover outstanding stuff and I believe everyone should know about them. This is why I blog because it will make a difference to someone and that could be you. Motto: Let's make blogging full-time business!