Wednesday 16 August 2017

Best way To Get More Followers on Twitter Fast

Get Twitter Followers Fast
It’s been a long time since that we have talked about Twitter. With Twitter being one of the top social networking sites, we can’t afford not to use it for personal contact and marketing.
Like any other network, it’s important to get more followers on Twitter, as this will make your tweets reachable to more people. Of course the use of hashtags will make it more accessible to more people.. This post, however is not about making your tweets go viral but simply teaching how you can grow your number of followers on Twitter.

 here are many networks like  Addmefast, which will let you do the follow-unfollow game. But our goal is not just to increase the number count, we also want to get real people as followers.This will ensure more interaction on your tweets and more re-tweets by a real human.

Big brands are using Twitter to monitor what people are saying about them, and in turn responding to their tweets.  If a user appreciates their service, the company  retweet and show appreciation to the user and similarly if a customer is shouting about bad service on Twitter, their Twitter rep will get in touch and will try to solve the issue. In fact, many brands are using Twitter as complete marketing and sales tunnel, provided you are using it wisely.
Depending upon your strategy, you can use Twitter for marketing only, or you can use it to stay in touch with close pals. I usually, stay in touch with other bloggers via Twitter DM. I use Tweetdeck on the desktop, Socialoomph for sending automated direct message, Bufferapp for being less annoying and Twitter iOS app to tweet while traveling. Along with it, I make sure my favorite feed readers like Feedly, Flipboard, Pocket is linked with my Twitter account, so I keep tweeting interesting stuff. You can see my profile here @denharsh.

I’m not sure about you, but I still prefer to use Twitter and highly recommend every businesses and blogger to have their presence on Twitter. Twitter is not only about marketing, but it also helps in connecting with new people, keeping a track of person updates and spreading the word about your brand.

Simple tips to get more followers on Twitter:

These are some simple but most effective tips that you can utilize to increase Twitter follower count. As I keep saying, like the quality traffic you need quality followers everywhere. They should be the people who are in your niche, use your product or keep a keen interest in stuff you are offering and tweeting about.

Yes, the word Avatar does make you remember that the film about the tall, blue aliens right? Anyway, you need to create or have a nice avatar for your Twitter account. Many of you think that uploading a picture to your Twitter account isn’t that much of a big deal. Believe it when I say that the picture you upload plays a very important role.
So, stop yourself from uploading a picture that doesn’t show your face. People on Twitter want to know what you look like, and that is why having a good picture of you can help a lot in making people know what you look like and who you are. If you are working for a brand, use your brand avatar as the Twitter profile picture. This will make your tweets noticeable from the huge cloud of tweets. Make sure; your avatar stands out from the long list of other profile avatars.

Right time to Tweet

Another tip is to analyze your  Twitter profile & find out the best time to tweet. There are many free & paid tools which scan your follower’s list & based on their activeness; it suggests you the most optimum time to send out a tweet.
For example, I have followers from around the globe but mostly my effective time to send a tweet is in Evening my time, as I have most of the followers from my country. If I tweet at the different time, my tweet doesn’t perform well, and I miss out on Traffic and retweets.
That is why I would recommend you to tweet at peak hours. Try tweeting when you know your friends or other people would be signed in on Twitter. These peak hours are different for different users, so, you’ll need to use the tools listed below to find the best time for your profileHere are some tools that will help you here:

The Profile Bio (It gives consistency)
Twitter Bio
Profile Bio is the first and most important thing to get more followers on Twitter. Your bio talks about who are you and what do you talk about on Twitter. So, unless you are someone very famous, it is a very important that you write a good bio of yourself.  Be creative and intelligent when you write your bio as it will provide people and idea about yourself, and it will surely make them follow you. Try putting in a good quote that tells about you as a person. Remember, be creative! You can also link to your about page or a landing page, where Twitter users can learn more about you or your brand.

The @Messages game
Tweet with  @mention. When you are tweeting from a reputable site, you can always use Twitter buttons in the page. This will make sure that tweet will get noticed by the website owner and in most of the cases, blog owners like to follow people who tweet or retweet them.
If you happen to get a re-tweet by top influencers, it would mean that your tweet has been read by the thousands, etc. of followers which the top user has and people will be interested in knowing who you are.
Another tip, which you should keep in mind is given room for retweets. Twitter limit tweet length to 140 characters but try to send the tweet in 120 characters, as users can Retweet your tweet. You can use these tools to compress lengthy tweets. Though, better limit your tweet to 120 characters.
Bonus Tip: Always add an image with your tweets. It performs better than normal text-based tweet.

Ask Questions
Make people interested in re-tweeting you. Ask questions on your Twitter account and see whether people will try to answer them or if you get a response. Try asking questions about trending topics or hot topic in your niche. If you pick the right question, it can greatly increase the interaction on your profile.
If you are working on being a niche influencer, keep talking about latest happening in your niche. This will help you to get niche followers and moreover an active and a profile which interact (reply to all tweets & DM) is surely loved by others.

What to Tweet
Keep a decent mix of personal and professional updates. Talk about your brand, what are you doing, share interesting pictures and share links to top articles and from top blogs in your niche.

 The idea is to increasing interaction to your tweets, and people should not only retweet but quote it. Your tweet should be influential and credible enough, that people will come and love to retweet it. I, use Bufferapp, Pocket app, and Nuzzel to keep finding and sharing interesting and hottest topic in my niche and keep my Twitter profile updated.
You can follow any strategy which you are comfortable with, this includes sharing interesting quotes, pictures, talk about trending topic and so on, but the idea doesn’t let your Twitter profile die or keep it inactive. Remember, social media is all about interaction and communication.
Stick to Niche

Decide what you want to tweet about so that people can get an idea about what kind of user you are. Yes, tweeting about different things along with hashtag may get you more followers on Twitter. However, it is better that you have a specific audience in mind. If you think, you know about cooking, or painting or sports, etc., then start tweeting about that and become one of the leading Twitterer on that subject. Respond to what others ask you, and you will be getting followers on Twitter with ease.

For a business brand, you need to work on specific strategy and share content which will help you to get niche audience and also top niche users. You should talk about interesting thing related to your niche, for example, if you are an SEO expert or social media maven, you should not only tweet about your brand but also find the top content in your niche and share it.

Repeating yourself
Try tweeting yourself more than once. It can happen that not all people could read your tweets, and so it is a good idea that you send the interesting tweets again. However, don’t use this strategy too much, as people will not be interested in something which always repeats things he or she has already tweeted about.

Linking your Account
Twitter follow button

Another way to get more followers on twitter is by linking your Twitter account to your Facebook page, your blog, etc. You have to promote your Twitter account in every way.
Include your Twitter account information in your e-mail signatures. For Email signature, you can use service like Wisestamp and for the blog you can get official Twitter follow button from here. Also, if you are using Official twitter tweet button on your blog or webpages, you can enter your profile apart from brand Twitter profile and user will get that profile as suggested user to follow. Something, which works most of the time to get more followers to any specific profile.

Brands, can use this feature to grow the follower count of CEO or public figures of brand or a company.
Twitter Dir
Listing yourself in Twitter directories, helps other users to find you. You can always your self in any particular category, as I often list myself under #WordPress #SEO and #Blogging category. This is not the most effective, but still it works to get targeted people and users. I don’t have list of directories for now, but you can find one such huge list here.

Follow other Top users in your niche:
Another tip is to keep an eye on updates from top twitter users in your list. Follow them and retweet when a tweet make sense to you. Before you retweet, always edit and add a quote to it to make your share more meaningful. Like I mentioned above, use Twitter directories, you can use the same to find top people in your niche. Here is an interesting article on 3 tools to find like minded people.
People often suggest that you should autofollow other followers but I would recommend to stop doing such things to get followers on Twitter, instead of just following random people, follow people who tweet meaningful stuff. You will be amazed to see how people will start trusting you by seeing your follow/follower ratio.

Well, these are certainly not the only tips but for anyone (Social media person or an individual Twitter user), these pointers will certainly help you to get more followers in time. There are many services that will let you buy twitter followers such as Fiverr.
Just to let you know, it doesn’t take a day or week to get thousands of genuine followers but it takes a complete strategic planning, if your target audience is set to Twitter. I hope this tips will help you and if you have any other suggestion which worked for you, feel free to share. If you find this post useful, do share it on Twitter
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A blog scientist and digital nomad by choice. I believe in minimalistic life and is straight forward with the messages. I discover outstanding stuff and I believe everyone should know about them. This is why I blog because it will make a difference to someone and that could be you. Motto: Let's make blogging full-time business!