Tuesday 8 August 2017

Make Or Break's David Stevenson breaks down in tears AGAIN after hearing shocking truths about girlfriend Beth

It's been a rocky ride for former Apprentice star David Stevenson as he fights to salvage his fractured relationship on Channel 5's new dating show Make Or Break.
Emotional David was the first to break down in tears after hearing in the opening episode his girlfriend Beth Matkin didn't think he was 'the one '.
27-year-old David was tested on Tuesday night when he heard some shocking home truths about his girlfriend which left him weeping once again.
As part of a challenge, behavioural expert Paul Dolan read out a series of shocking confessions and the contestants had to guess who they related to.
David looked like a broken man
He teared up at the revelations
Beth revealed she lied about her whereabouts
Paul read from the card: "This girl sometimes lies to her boyfriend about her whereabouts."
As the camera panned around the contestants, 20-year-old Beth could be seen nervously holding a hand to her face.
When the announcement was made that it was indeed her who kept her fella in the dark - horrified David shut his eyes in horror.
The game showed fractures in the couples' relationships
"It's not what you think," Beth told him.
"You know I let you go out," he told her defiantly, as tears swelled in his eyes once again.
As the game moved on, David couldn't forget what he'd heard and he later spoke to the camera about his feelings.
"The state of my relationship right now is... I don't think I have one," he admitted.
Beth did her best to console David
David spoke of his determination to keep Beth
"I want to be with Beth but she keeps hurting me and she hurts me so much that actually she wants to let go," David revealed.
At the end of the explosive night, Beth took to her room to have a heart to heart with her fellow contestants.
She revealed that in the past David had been jealous of her going out with her male uni friends.
"i can see why he feels insecure," she told the rest of the villa.
David and Beth then went to see a sex therapist to get some advice on their troubled relat

Louise told Beth she had a "vagina like a wilting flower that isn't getting what it needs."
She then advised Beth she needed to get in touch with her sexuality.
Although David was having a tough time on the show, viewers at home had his back.
Fans of the Channel 5 dating show flocked to Twitter to voice their support for the troubled star.
"Awww it's so sad seeing David2Stevenson crying and upset on MakeOrBreak , " said one.

Another added: " David2Stevenson I really feel for you, you seem like such a lovely guy"
"Someone help David MakeOrBreak " pleaded a third.
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