Sunday 6 August 2017

Countryfile Live: Adam Henson Reveals Holly Willoughby Left Him ‘Shocked And Embarrassed

The 51-year-old farmer and presenter appeared on This Morning back in March to promote his new book Like Farmer Like Son when 36-year-old Holly Wiloughby referred to him as a TV “sex symbol”.
Adam revealed that he doesn’t think of himself as a TV sex symbol, and still has farmer at the top of his CV, despite his regular media appearances.
Speaking exclusively to, Adam giggled: “Well, I was shocked and a little bit embarrassed and I don’t think of myself as that at all. Prince Charles is far more famous for being a farmer than I am!
“It’s a lovely position to be in. I feel very honoured to be working on such a successful programme as Countryfile with huge viewing figures. It’s a little bit of a weight on my shoulders as a farmer who’s represented on the televisio

Adam Henson and Holly Willoughby 
Countryfile star Adam Henson reveals how Holly Willoughby left his embarrassed 
 Countryfile star Adam Henson reveals how Holly Willoughby left his embarrassed
“My farm at home we have livestock and arable, but of course, in the UK we have a huge diversity of production systems from cherries in Kent to Herdwick sheep in the Lake District.”
He explained: “That’s the great thing about British Farming. There’s such a diversity depending on topography and climate and farming system and that makes it interesting for me to travel up and down the country meeting all these fantastic progressive farmers.”
Speaking about appearing at popular event Countryfile Live, Adam told of his excitement of bringing his farm animals to fans of the show.
Adam continued: “I’m very excited to be here for the second year. I’ve had a great couple of days and am really enjoying it. It’s lovely.
Adam Henson on This Morning ITV
Adam Henson appeared on This Morning earlier this year 
Adam Henson and Ellie Harrison attend Countryfile: Live 
Adam Henson and Ellie Harrison attend Countryfile: Live
“Not a huge amount has changed from last year, a lot of the same that worked really well and a huge variety of things to do for the families and all the visitors. My little area, which is a sort of livestock experience area has been expanded.

“We’ve given it more room because it was so popular last year and where we do demonstrations for sheering and milking and those sorts of things, we’ve now got a seating area and a bit of an auditorium to be able to get more visitors in there who can see what’s going on.
“So that’s great, lot’s of little improvements just like that to increase the visitor experience.”

Countryfile continues next Sunday on BBC One at 6pm.
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