Sunday 6 August 2017

Best 12 Twitter Directories To List YourSelf and Gain Followers

Want to grow your Twitter Following? Get rid of the “It’s a thing for the celebrities!” thought and start growing your following right now! Here at ShoutMeLoud, a lot has been discussed on growing Twitter following, and you will find many posts to help you grow your Twitter followers. Before I link out to all old posts, what if I told you there are many less hassle and easy way to gain followers on Twitter?

Best Twitter Directories

One of the least talked, but one very efficient way is by adding your Twitter profile into the popular Twitter directories. These Twitter directories works in a multitude for you:

  • Gain followers: Once you list your profile into these twitter directories, other users can find and follow you based on Keywords or interest. This is one free way to increase your follower, and most of the time such followers are not spam.
  • Find people to follow: If you are looking to discover new cool tweeps to follow, these directories are again handy. You can browse popular tweeps in particular section (ex: Tech, Apple, Blogging) and start following them.
  • Pro services: Most of the directories I have offered below also offer pro-services. At a cheap price they will feature your Twitter profile everywhere which will help you to gain new followers in fastest way possible. Again they are not going to be spam bots followers.

Best Twitter Directories to Submit your Twitter Profile

Without further ado, I will walk you through the best Twitter Directories you need to be listed right now to gain more followers.
Twitter Counter

TwitterCounter is a simple service that shows you your twitter account statistics once you login with your account. More than that, Twitter Counter also has a list of top Twitter users and you can also search for users based on tags. You can also check your world wide twitter rank.

Twitter widget
In the recent time, TwitterCounter has added many new features like:
  • Twitter widget: Embed a twitter profile stats widget on your blog.
  • TwitterMail: You get a secret email address. You can send any status update on that email & it would tweet it automatically.
  • Milestone notification: Want to get notified when you reach to a particular milestone. Ex: 5000 followers or 1 million followers? This is a free service that sends these notifications via email.
  • Find the best time to tweet: This service will scan the activity of your twitter folllowers & will suggets you the best time to tweet. Will help you to maximum your tweet reach. This is a pro feature.
  • Promote your Twitter account: Looking to grow your Twitter followers? They have a featured section for the same.
Overall, Twitter counter offer many features apart from listing your profile in their directories. This is the first place you should start with.

Visit Twitter counter
Twitter directory listing

Twibs is the place to find business on Twitter. Twibs is a business Twitter account directory. Get your company listed here to get more followers for the twitter account of your company.

Visit Twibs
Twitter directories
Twibes is another Twitter directory that groups users based on categories. You can get yourself listed in Twibes for free based on your interest group. Twibes is more like a Twitter groups. Each group has some members and you can get added to it for getting more followers of similar interests.

Visit Twibes

Twiends is a Twitter directory with listing of many Twitter users based on their three given tags. You can list yourself on Twiends based on your tags to get more followers. Twiends works no coin-basis. Follow other users to get more coins and giveaway those coins to earn more followers in turn.

Visit Twiends

Twellow is the Yellow Pages for Twitter. Twellow has a powerful listing of more than 25 Million Twitter users on its directory. This is the best place to get listed for getting new followers and also to find people to follow from your same field of work/interest.
Visit Twellow

BONUS: Niche Twitter Directories

Book Trade Directory
Book Trade Directory is for book publishers, authors and everyone in the Book trade.
Visit First Issue

Legal Birds
LegalBirds is a niche Directory of Legal administrators, Lawyers, Librarians and Academics.
Visit Legal Birds

Do you happen to know of any Twitter Directories that we missed here? Shout out your experiences with Twitter directories below.
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A blog scientist and digital nomad by choice. I believe in minimalistic life and is straight forward with the messages. I discover outstanding stuff and I believe everyone should know about them. This is why I blog because it will make a difference to someone and that could be you. Motto: Let's make blogging full-time business!